It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of our Association Chairman, George Nowland. George died yesterday morning (10 September 2018) after a short period in hospital. He spent his last week as he spent most of his life – with his wife and daughters. We will update our members with funeral plans as soon as they become available – please share these with anyone who knew George.

Update 13/09/18 - Please find below details of the funeral arrangements.

  • All welcome. Dress as you wish. Friday 21st September 2018, 1:00pm at Preston Crematorium.

  • As a tribute to George, we would like to invite his fellow cyclists to lead the cortege from the entry gates to the chapel at the crematorium.

  • Cyclists to meet at Preston Crematorium gates at 12:50pm. You will then be asked to ride ahead of the hearse, leading George to the front of the crematorium.

  • Following the service you are welcome to join us at the Norman Jepson Beefeater.

  • Please share these details with anyone who knew George.
